
May 1, 2024

10 Questions about Sigma Computing

Sigma is a relatively newcomer in the data analytics products space. In this article, Snap's very own Sigma Certified and data visualisation wizard Fergus Ustianowski answers the top 10 of Frequentyly Asked Questions from our customers.
January 20, 2022
Be a Data Hero and deliver Net Zero!
As governments struggle to make the radical changes required to save our planet, businesses are stepping up and announcing ambitious goals to achieve Net Zero. Achieving this goal however is difficult for big, complex organisations.  There are so many areas to explore, from reducing travel and fossil fuel consumption, leveraging renewable energy, improving efficiency of existing equipment, or simple behavior change.  With so much complexity the task can be daunting. 
December 11, 2019

From wayfinding to driverless cars – explaining the analytics maturity curve

Once upon a time when the world was young, people got around by remembering landmarks, looking at the stars and making the occasional lucky guess...