From SAP to Snowflake, we just make it work.

Make Data Available

Professionalise the flow of data between operational and data analytics systems.

Make Data Valuable

Combine data from multiple sources and provision clean data to the right teams.

Make Data Trusted

Significantly speed up time-to-insights by automating many manual data tasks.

Make Data Secure

Build robust and compliant pipelines that deliver accurate data continuously.

St James' Place Implements
Modern Data Architecture

Listen to Barney Eccleson, Head of Data Engineering of SJP, explain why they chose to work with Snap Analytics.

St James's Place, a financial services and investment firm, chose Snap Analytics for their Matillion ETL expertise to implement their new chosen architecture based on best practices. With a new data platform, listen to how we helped them overcome challenges to drive real business value.

Premier Foods Achieves
Data Platform Success

Listen to Dan Flynn, Analytics Manager of Premier Foods, explain why they chose to work with Snap Analytics.

Premier Foods needed a focussed and agile team to work with them on a new kind of data platform strategy. Working through the Concept phase and productionising the new data platform (which included Amazon Redshift) with ELS support was the foundation for a winning data strategy

Clients & Partners

Services Partner specialising in cloud data platforms.

Partner for specialist ETL and data ingestion.

What We Do

How We Work

  • Discover

    Unearth data potential, define the scope and align on project objectives.
  • Design

    Technology, data and business value blueprints to ensure project success.
  • Develop

    Implement modern cloud platforms to deliver scalable data solutions and insights.
  • Deploy

    Go-live, enablement, training and support services to ensure maximum long-term value.

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